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教會每年於四旬期以悔改,祈禱,守齋去準備自己的心靈,而今年四旬期於2月22日開始,本校小三至高一教友及慕道班學生於午飯時段到學校小聖堂參與由校牧柴浩東神父主禮的聖灰禮儀,柴神父在講道中提醒我們要時刻做好準備,去迎接耶穌的復活。在講道後柴神父為每一位在場師生用聖灰畫上十字,並用福音中「你們悔改,信從福音吧」(谷1:15)邀請我們在生活中反省自己的過錯,並改正自己。禮儀後中學教友師生於操場感受傳統的守齋文化-麵包清水齋,希望同學們能夠在四旬期中好好預備自己,與基督同行,一同復活! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
The Church reminds us to pray, repent and fast to prepare our souls for the Passover of Our Lord, the Lent season started with the Ash Wednesday liturgy on the 22nd of February, Fr. Leonard held a ceremony for all Catholic students and teachers, reminding us to repent and follow the teaching of Gospel. May all of us repent, renew ourselves to become better people, and await the Sacred Paschal Triduum. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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